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10 Highly Profitable Handworks To Learn In Nigeria To Make Money

10 Highly Profitable Handworks To Learn In Nigeria To Make Money

Here is what a sale influencers said about how we’ve been deluded by the system, which also makes me see life as it is and not how I think it should be

People wonder why they struggle financially but use dated wealth formula coined in the 1950s [over 60 years ago]

Here is what a sales influencer said about how we’ve been deluded by the system, which also makes me start seeing life as it is and not how I think it should be

People wonder why they struggle financially but use dated wealth formula coined in 1950’s [over 60 years ago]

In the industrial age, few people like Henry Ford, Rockefeller, Kennedy are the richest in the world for their machine innovations

when these set of people look further to grow their wealth, they reached out to the minors [farmers], to make them an offer, which was if you come work in my factory, you won’t have to work for 7 days but work for just 5 days and I’ll take care of you for the rest of your life when you clock 65 years

Who wouldn’t agree to such an offer, people got signed until the founding fathers find a more intense way to instill the same old principle into the minor as a doctrine for their subconscious that if they go back to school for a few more years, they won’t have to work in the factory but manage those who work in the factory

If they go to school for a few more years again, they will have to manage those who manage who work in the factory, so as the ladder evolved, thus dumping graduates with no effective or high in-demand skill in a tight spot today

Does this story look any familiar to you? If yes, then take every handwork discussed in this article to heart, as they’re no fluff, at the same time guarantee steady income and not those that put $300 in your pocket today to wait months to get the next wage.

  1. Makeup Artist

As the beauty industry has gained international eulogy over the years, I wish the man who coined the cosmetic word “makeup” [faktorowicz maksymilian] referred to as “father of makeup” always get the rightful credit for the epic innovation from as far back as 1920 in the united state with the renowned cosmetic line “Max Factor”

Beauticians are making a cool living with this handwork, and it takes a few months of apprenticeship to set you up on a financial freedom path for life

However, if your mind still builds a barricade of objections to this, you need to snap out of sleeping on yourself at once, especially if this handwork is what you’ve got a knack for

Also, if you think #25,000-#50,000 weekly income is too small in a country like Nigeria, brother/sister, you need to think it all over again

The beauty of makeup handwork is you can’t only learn it all in a couple of months [2-3 months], but also on cosmetics and makeup YouTube channels while simultaneously brushing up the skill with the latest and unique style that may take a month before surfacing in your environment or never

How to market and make money with your makeup/beauty skill

Go to a party (owanbe) approach high-class women & ladies with shitty or awful makeup on.

Most of them either don’t have time to beautify themselves or have someone to fix them up.

Complement their outfit, hair, beautiful kid, or anything about them in exchange for their contact

Call them before next weekend or on sunday morning against church service, ask to come around to beautify them

Some will turn you down for a reason or the other, don’t get discouraged about it.

The little fraction that say, “yes, let’s give you a chance”, are your income-generating assets.

Go to hair salon, I mean high-class female hair salons that offer no such skill, meet their patrons, complement and pitch your skill as usual

Your potential clients are outside there, reach out and network with them.

Just 20 clients that are consistently in need of your service can put you on over #100,000 monthly income.

  1. Graphic Design

They say the first impression lasts longer, if not forever.

That’s why businesses, profit, and non-profit organizations all run to graphic designers to look more appealing for their target audience or passersby.

Therefore, before you sight a social media page, church, school, artisan you’d be welcome with a banner, business card, signpost all for the publicity and exposure

Graphic design handwork is quite of different level and capital intensive if you concentrated mostly offline

Graphic design skill is wide enough that we have categories of designer

Few categories of graphic designer

  • Animation designer
  • Environmental designer
  • Publishing designer
  • Print designer
  • Website designer
  • Branding designer
  • Product designer


If you learn and master print design, I mean only to print t-shirt; you need to be more creative than printing just name and random text to writing your paycheck for life

How to market and make money with your graphic design skill

Considering t-shirt printing, I’d recommend learning eCommerce, then get a reliable course on how to run Facebook or Instagram ads to constantly run out of your printed shirts order

If you’re choosing other routes, probaby like the conventional routes [banner design for restaurants, real estate, church] which is the common model around, then you have to network with school, business owners, religious leaders [church, mosque] to handle their program printout handbills, outdoor program signpost and more

The secret to most handwork or skills success is to outreach more, for the cash flow

Also Read: How to set your brand goals

  1. Fashion Design

Fashion design is popularly known as tailoring and one of the most popular handworks around the world

Now, mentioning vocational skill you couldn’t learn under a boss or signing up for an apprenticeship, fashion design is absolutely out of the category

You can’t just jump on any social media page or channel to start acquiring the know-how without asking around or studying a skillful and well-equipped practitioner

When you discover one, approach and sign up for a year [12 months] at least and it’s enough if you’re going all-in

When you become your own boss, you’d have known what it takes to get clients for yourself, and always remember you don’t need to be a genius before you get started [very crucial]

Even professional or highly skilled fashion designers are still learning and tapping into the latest trends and styles

So, get your feet in the water first, then keep sailing as far as the wind takes you, until you find that common ground

How to market and earn money with your fashion design skill

Remember, you don’t always have to move with the crowd.

You should always throw your own twist to whatever it is you do, to get more attention and exposure than your designs need.

Whatever you do now, if you don’t advertise, you’re cutting yourself too short

You can make up an appealing design, let someone with a sexy and attractive body model it for you, with enough camera shots

You don’t have to pay for this find a relative or friend for that, then head straight to Facebook ads marketer to run lead generation advert model to it

Get enough contacts, then keep following up with them

This way, you can never run short of clients unless you want more

Besides, if you hone your craft well enough with hot spot with enough leg traffic, I bet it with you, fashion designers don’t struggle for clients unless it’s high paying clients and your environment and shop settings say a lot more about this

Get well of environ/location, then splurge on your shop to increase your charges and you’ll surely get almost no objection

Also Read: What is your vision? 21 ways to break the barriers

  1. Photography

When people hear about photography nowadays, they can’t think beyond, Oh! Do you mean taking shots?

Our smartphone has been taking its toll on photography so much that people barely keep hard copies at home like the good old days.

Brother! There’s this guy in my hometown that rented just a room and a parlor [2 rooms linked to each other] for this photoshoot business people can’t resist when they have special occasion around the corner

The guy keeps adding more rooms to the apartment every 3-4 months

He has rented the entire apartment of 6 rooms for his studio with different interiors all in 2 years time frame

Did I mention he doesn’t stop upgrading his tools and…., let me do this in the marketing section

How to market and make cool money with your photography skill

I assume you’ve or will somehow gain the skill.

YouTube is just here for you and people are doing it already,Just pick your master wisely.

Here’s what the guy does, as this photoshoot business is his primary focus

This guy is banking a little over #100,000 weekly in this business, as he earns an average of #2,000 per client/person

He doesn’t stop there; he often visit institutions and hospitals around the town with few equipment to offer office photoshoots, thus earning him more clients from his potential client’s families, co-workers likewise direct projects from these institutions

This same guy has already ventured into drone videography before I left, and he hasn’t stopped milking the most lucrative part of photography

You should learn from him by taking action with simple strategies people complicate for themselves and always remember your clients are out there

Also Read: How Business Directory Can Increase Your Profit

  1. Leather Making

It’s unfortunate this handwork is untapped not because it’s not in high demand but because people pay less attention to it

If you’re creative enough, leather belts, bags, shoes, wallets, caps, bracelets, sandals, key holders

People will beg you to take their money, and the perfect place to start is Instagram and YouTube

When you follow and study some international Instagram leather crafts pages, you’d realize African as a whole barely holds leather making In high regards

There are myriad of cool mini importation courses out there you can get for peanuts [#3,500-#4,000]

Purchase and study, just to learn to chiefly import your leather tools and materials for cheaper price

Start following some Leathercraft YouTube pages to gain the knowledge

If you have a professional Craftsman around, you can sign for an apprenticeship but never sideline the internet as it’ll help broaden your creativity with a variety of cool and latest designs, then you’re all set up

How to market and make money with your leather making skill

The beauty of an unsaturated but highly lucrative business niche is you get bombarded with many referrals

Oh! “Where did you get this bag or wallet? It’s unique. I like it” it’s because they don’t see such a thing around often, as there is shortage in supply/producer.

Get enough projects done, and then head straight to your social media page to run an advert for your cool design, then watch how you constantly run out of orders

Also Read: How to Start a very Lucrative Poultry Farming in Nigeria

  1. Ice cream making

You won’t believe how profitable this handwork is. You can approach those guys hawking the tasty refreshment on a bicycle to hear what few who are sincere with you would say

The ice cream making industry is a wide industry, so it requires special thought-process, mode of operation, and type of intended ice cream

When you do thorough research of ice cream making and selling works, then you’re set up for one of the most profitable but less saturated skill and business

How to market and make money with your ice cream making skills & product

There’s no robust marketing strategy or approach to selling your ice cream except for doing it like this man who is successful with the business in my neighborhood

He has enough ice-cream bicycles for the business alongside an effective freezer that put them in chilled condition through the nights

Since the spot where he distributed the bicycle is one of the busiest spots in town, he has enough bicyclists assigned to each ice cream bicycles

If you want highly lucrative skill for yourself, I’d solemnly recommend ice cream making with a parting word of [have a strong work ethic] and you’re already there

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  1. Drawing & Painting [art]

How many times have you seen graffiti or watched it done, mostly in Hollywood movies?

You sure do see how amusing and aesthetic the art could be, people need them down here

If you’re creative or talented enough to gain the 3D skills, you just write your paycheck for life

How about an epic sketch of nearly as identical people’s pictures in a portrait?

Drawing is not only a high-income skill but also connects you to high-profile people in the community, as they often turn out to be the patrons of the service

How to market and make money with your drawing & painting skill 

I assume you've gained the skill now, so the next course of action is to sell either online or offline

Nigeria accommodates over 20 million people who don’t even feel the economic meltdown here and there

Start reaching out to people at offices, churches, mosques

These are your target audiences. Go with samples of your previous portrait, don’t ask if they are interested, persuade and massage their ego with how magnificent a large one in portrait will look in their sitting room when visitors gaze upon it

Just know the more “yes” you get, so as your referral base keeps overflowing for every executed project, since their wife and kids won’t stop pestering them for one

Also Read: How to start a successful business in Nigeria and the legal requirements

  1. Pastry

Now, if I say pastry am not adding chin chin, that’s way too strenuous for its little return on investment

Bread is high in demand and a very lucrative business, still am not inferring bread as well.

As far as the pastry is concerned, am talking of Nigerian bread buns.

There’s this old secondary school friend of mine, he has taken this bread buns route for almost half a decade, not only with something to show for the path but silently making a kill with it.

You don’t need to physically sign up under anyone to acquire the skill, YouTube is your lifesaver once again.

Use 1-2 YouTube videos, input the string “how to make Nigerian bread buns” download, and watch until you get every hang of the fry

How to market and earn money with your pastry [bread buns] skill/product

You can use your kitchen as your little bakery, then scour the town for your target audience, as I believe you don’t want to hawk

So, who is your target audience? Provision vendors or retailers.

Approach as many as provision vendors to pitch your offer, 90% will jump on your offer, especially when they are close enough to schools and neighborhoods congested with kids

My brother/sister, any source of income fetching you a little over #50,000 weekly profit in Nigeria or Africa as a whole, endeavor to scale it up instead of chasing shadows

Also Read: How to Make Money on Facebook the Smart Ways in Nigeria

  1. Restaurant

The last time I checked, people couldn’t stop filling their bellies with tasty meals

The only misconception here is people often think when a business is saturated, the demand will suffer, which I’d emphasize at the conclusion part of this article

You don’t even have to open a food vendor like the conventional eateries out there

What you need is magic hands, and when I say magic hand, I mean learning special meals like traditional meals

There is high demand for local meals but with low supply as people are unconsciously getting carried away with international cuisines

If you could take people back to their grassroots, I mean take them back to their mother’s arm with your meal, at the same time bring their eatery experience to their office table, you only need few customers to break even

How to market and make money with your restaurant cooking skill

Start reaching out to offices, workshops, and malls; ensure not to dress like low-budget roadside fast-food hawkers

Dress corporately as you come around to see the CEO of the intended company for a business summit

Then introduce and state the essence of your visit with an offer to bring them lunch as per their request on the customized request paper you places before them

It doesn’t have to exceed 2 columns [meal, quantity]

Remember, you don’t have to get 100 yes on your first visit/outreach

It’s a gradual process, and it snowballs if you know your craft

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  1. Affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing simply means connecting buyers and sellers in exchange for a commission

Look at each handwork or skill on the list, you can profit from all affiliate marketing without learning or acquiring any of the skills or handwork in question.

That is the power of affiliate marketing, however, to master the business model, you’ve got to learn sales and persuasion, alongside sales funnel optimization to spread your wing far wide into the online space.

There are eBooks and online courses on the web that could arm and equip you with sales techniques

You can start with Sabri Suby sell like crazy ebook

How to market and earn with your affiliate marketing skill

When you possess a top-notch marketing skill, you understand human psychology & the principles of money amongst others

This way, you can start with car vendors, reach out to owners and collect their contact after discussing your commission rate for every potential buyer you bring to their stand

You can take vehicles images from there, then start uploading best deals on your WhatsApp status, run Facebook advert, broadcast the vehicles shamelessly, as each commission per sold vehicle should net you nothing less than #100,000

Imagine getting a sale per month, so as every other business owners need buyers and clients for their product & services

You can do this literally with any product out there, from airplanes to diapers. I hope you get the drill.

If you network with them to discuss your commission and terms, the sky is just your starting point to how much you could consistently cash out with affiliate marketing

Also Read:  Affiliate Marketing Guide, How You Can Get Started

Look around you, a highly lucrative handwork or vocational skill in your village may turn out the other way round in the urban area

Let off the mindset that a business or skill is common means it’s silently degrading in value

It’s a sign it’s working, profitable and people need its presence

Pick your choice from the list, do extensive research and go all in ruthlessly as if your life depends on it

I wish you the best and endeavor to drop your pick in the comment section with genuine reason to back up the decision for others to contemplate taking it as the right move for themselves

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