Top 14 lucrative daily income businesses in Nigeria

Top 14 lucrative daily income businesses in Nigeria

Do you realize having only 9-5 jobs doesn’t cut it anymore like the good old days where government or private salary jobs could abundantly sustain people even without a side hustle/job?

Like the usual saying that even your side hustle needs a side hustle

if you have been contemplating juggling other income sources side by side with your existing job or you need a fresh business idea to make it out of your financial hurdles, then this guide has been cooked in mind to walk you through the aisle of highly lucrative daily income businesses in Nigeria

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What is daily income business and how does daily income business work?

A business or job is said to be a daily income generator when it pulls in profit daily

You would agree with me that either selling of product or services could be a great source of daily income, so long buyers or clients consistently show up daily to put something in your pocket either in cash or kind

Yes, a monthly pay job could also fetch daily income, some salary workers even earn more than their monthly paycheck from the accumulation of daily or weekly generated revenue from the side

Winning a huge contract this month to wait another 4 months for a new one doesn’t make you daily income earners, it makes you a successful contractor for the fat figure that comes with the reward

The upward and downward trend of your stock market investment that comes with a huge dividend doesn’t make you daily income earners, it makes you a successful investor

I hope you get the concept of what and how daily income business works, then let’s get down to business

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Benefits of daily income business in Nigeria

Sustainability: the saying is very popular with retailers that you can never run low on cash with their business model and they are never wrong about it

You may not have sufficient or abundant cash at hand, but there is always that little fund at your disposal to handle emergency or basic responsibilities with daily income business.

Scalability: daily income business helps you pull in cash to quickly fix the gaping holes in your business revenue funnel while scaling it up at the same time

Ease of establishment: most daily income business requires little capital or has minimum entry access alongside a quick return on your investment, that is 2-4 weeks you have started earning off the decision

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Top 16 profitable daily income businesses in Nigeria

Let us make this clear beforehand that a perfect daily income business in a rural area could be a less than stellar option in the urban environment

So, indulge feasibility study that will guide you to handpick the ideal business that best resonates with your intended establishment spot from the below list of daily income businesses in Nigeria

  1. Barbershop

People pay visits to barbershops weekly or twice a month to groom and beautify their hair for a service rate of #300 to #5,000, depending on your location and shop settings

What makes this daily income business so lucrative is how what take their customer there in the first place keep conveying them back in a few days or weeks [dye, trimming, shaving, cutting, relaxing, hair locking], hair naturally regrows, dye fade out and it applies to both gender

 Barbing is somewhat capital intensive from locating your shop in a commercial area, you don’t want to site your barbing business in a low-traffic spot with few residents

Barbing business is also a competitive business of furnish, consider this before complaining about a shortage of customers, a barbershop with installed air condition system will enjoy more customers to conventional ceiling fan ventilation system

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  1. Laundry and dry cleaning services

If there is any chore I detest most, it’s laundry, so as many people out there, even probably you, it’s not about pride but the efforts and time involved

I have never seen someone who loves to watch cloth unless he is doing it for a reward or what we are discussing now [income source], which is where you come into play as a reliable and accountable laundry service

You can start this business right from your house, as it requires no special training but acquiring the befitting equipment [industrial iron, washing machine] to dispose of a perfect job

You may do without employees until you are flamboyant enough to hook one up with your service.

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  1. Start A POS Payments Service

Have you ever contemplated average pos vendor daily turnover? Yes you should, those guys don’t pull in much but they often earn enough that outwits most average government jobs' salary

Bank and ATM queues can be overwhelming to risk turning in the scorching sun, I haven’t even mentioned the transport fare, but your pos machine could save your patrons precious time while getting the queue stress off their back in exchange for a fee or commission to your pocket [#100 or more depends on the transaction type and volume]

An environment for off-market and banks would be a great spot for this business to rake in a reasonable amount that portrays a wise choice for your daily income business.

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  1. Freelance Writing

This century or generation is more of content, I mean contextual information here and there [bill boards, television, news, phone text message, social media, beverage bottles] and more

Arguably, we can’t do without consuming at least 100 words of text per day via the aforementioned platforms, and the requirements to keep up with more of it is where writers emerge

How much do you hold writing in high regard, if you have the skill but not working to make something of it, then you are doing yourself a disservice for not trying hard to earn your rightful place with writing skills through the below tips:

  • Networking with other writers to inquire about new or better offers
  • Outreach to websites and blogs
  • Connecting with online businesses to brush up on their content marketing [copywriter]
  • Seeking to manage and craft social network brands with compelling content that drives better engagement and more

Freelance business doesn’t require much capital, with few tools [laptop, Smartphone and internet connection] you are good to go with a grasp of either American or British English language

Endeavour to market your writing service, to increase your chance of not only getting fixed up but also bagging better offers that will tremendously reflect your value.

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  1. Food Vendor (Mama put)

Show me someone comfortable without filling his belly in a day and I will frankly tell you he is a supernatural being

To start up a successful food vendor, I have a question to ask, which is can you impress at the same time etch a tasty meal experience into your customer memory, as this will either make your food vendor business or break it

If you have magic hands for cooking, then you are already in business right before you start but looking to maximize your profit by publicizing your expertise either at the front of your house or reaching out to customers to inquire if they don’t mind you securing them a space in your food order list

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  1. Pastry Business

First on, I need to make this clear that when we say bakery business, it’s solely not applicable to bread but also other flour-made products [bread, chin chin, bread buns, pie, egg rolls] and more

Pick a niche and do your due diligence about the industry, as almost every flour product is lucrative but requires deep knowledge to tread each path to avoid investment turbulence

Mention the pastry product, People consume bread, chin chin, bread buns, and egg rolls, day in and day out to accommodate a second thought about this business

Choose your niche, create a demand for your product by reaching out to retailers, and then start baking and trying to kick start the lucrative daily income business in Nigeria.

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  1. Transportation Business

I love this business for its daily income potential, no wonder why youth are fleeing profitable handwork for daily income hustle, as they can’t resist the instant gratification that comes with it rather than waiting months to reap the reward of most investment

How attractive it is for a family man confidently tell the family he will be back with either part of the money they requested when his back, by just putting a bike or a vehicle on the road for a few hours

Take this or leave it, most high-earning salary workers can’t boast of this unless they have the disposable fund cooling off in their bank account or savings

The transportation business is indeed a billion-dollar industry, it’s unfortunate many people perceive the business as the path for the less privilege

Are you proposing to get into transportation? Take the plunge to discover how rewarding it is

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  1. Social Media Marketing Agency

You simply won't believe the sheer number of enterprises that are roaming around here. the web to get that fully equipped social media marketer that can help them drive more online sales, build engaging followers for their business and more

You won’t regret investing your time and some cash into social media marketing skill acquisition, as Nigerian businesses can’t stop craving online presence for their skills and merchandise

I don’t need to lecture you on setting up a business page for your agency, as that’s your football field and you’d be doing that for your clients as well

What I need to inform you is, that you can also do some physical outreach to pitch your service to retailers and wholesalers for more exposure for your online business

Also Read: 2 proven tips to set up a successful bakery business in Nigeria

  1. Selling foodstuff

I often tell entrepreneurs that regardless of your niche or business model, If it revolves around food, you have automatically scaled through a business challenge, either visible or not

Get substantial capital to explore rural areas, you won’t believe your eyes with the price of some farm products they sell for overprice in the city

Few are melon, locust bean, ogbono, yam, potatoes, plantain, palm oil, pepper and more

There is a huge amount of money in this business if you put in the sacrifice

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  1. Affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing simply means connecting buyers to sellers and vice-versa, but do you have the know-how?

You need to instil into yourself online courses and books about sales to have the psychology behind human buying decisions, this way every effort behind your sales would be streamlined with the right knowledge

Affiliate marketing guarantees daily income if you technically leverage the internet, as it houses most of your targeted customers and clients

Do your due diligence about the industry and let quality offer become your top priority

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  1. Provision business

A provision store is a smaller version of a mini-mart or supermarket business, while it’s somewhat capital intensive, it guarantees a quick return on investment making it one of the most profitable daily income businesses in Africa as a whole

What the business demand is the basic or daily needs of people to help you up-sell or cross-sell other products in your stock, this way your pocket can never run dry with the consistent sales

Few of the products are laundry and bathing soap, snacks, sachet water, detergents, refreshment, juice, soft drinks and basic food items like pepper, tomatoes, locust bean, onions, seasoning and more

You can never go wrong with the business when you encourage feasibility study beforehand

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  1. Snail farming

When I told my uncle about the idea for the snail farming business, he gave me a response that has me smiling and laughing as I work on this section. Seriously, I can't stop smiling and laughing.

He responded that he did not want to be involved in any way with long-term agriculture, particularly the animal raising of the kind being discussed here.

On the other hand, when he gets his day-old broiler chicks, let's say 200, of which only 150 barely make it to the consumption stage, he spends a lot of money on bags of feed and medications in addition to other hidden charges (poultry rent, transportation, and more).

Believe it or not, the snail does not cause you to go through these costs or stress when it is growing its numbers without the assistance of human beings.

Do your homework on this company before diving headfirst into it without hesitation, but keep in mind that I suggest beginning the venture as a side hustle. That way, you won't have to wait ten to twelve months before selling the products that have had enough time to flourish.

You may get started with just one hundred snails and build your business from there. Snail breeding is one of the most profitable enterprises in Nigeria that is yet relatively unexplored.

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  1. Cooking gas business

Cooking gas usefulness exceeds setting up a meal through heat, some gas units are purposely acquired for the baking purpose [oven], while some are secured for boiling water purposes [defeathering birds]

However, in a country where there is no company offering the resource at a large scale like in developed countries where gas is supplied and tailored via pipeline to households, it serves as a business opportunity for the masses

Your chances of success in this line of business heavily rest on strategically securing your shop in residential environments rather than commercial locales, as over 90% of people or your customers have their cylinder at home

This daily income source guarantees you over 20 daily patrons in an average environment, imagine if you earn a little over #100 per customer, check your total revenue for the week or month to see if it’s profitable enough for your standard  

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  1. Ecommerce

Ecommerce is a billion-dollar industry that makes millionaires every month, for selling online as the name suggests, commercial activity conducted via the internet [electronic commerce]

 Allow me to make it more apparent that this is not only restricted to a common niche like fashion, health and beauty but all product-related commodity alongside services

The first question to your success in this line of business is, what can you offer the world as a product or service?

Congrats, if you got what the world wants, it doesn’t even have to be what interests billions or millions, your offer just have to be resourceful enough to solve either people's worries or improve their life, and then you are in business

What you need is now to set up your business account on the popular social network, then start promoting your offer organically and through a premium model

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Many daily income businesses are omitted in this article for their low-income potential and seasonal business model, which is a discussion for another day, maybe in such as “top seasonal but lucrative business to start in Nigeria

What is the essence of toiling day and night over raising a reasonable capital to invest it all into a dead-end income source you hope to quit for other alternatives in the next 6 months?

The discussed list of 14 lucrative daily income businesses in Nigeria should change your game in a few month's time, only if your purpose is strong enough to overshadow distractions and other negative signals that may threaten your focus

Never let those who don’t understand your journey or going nowhere fast discourage your vision, and some might be overprotective family, but you have to know they will all think otherwise when you start putting food on your table at the same time offering handouts

Become financially sustained through any legal means with zero guilt!!!

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