How to keep multiplying your lacto-fermentation?

How to keep multiplying your lacto-fermentation?

When you filter a portion of fermented feed from your bowl, replace it with an equal quantity of dry feedback. Give it a good stir, cover it, and strain it again the next day.

This is the simplest approach to continue Lacto-fermentation without having to start afresh.
Please note: You may keep recycling the same liquid, especially because it already contains all of the healthy bacteria that help fresh feed ferment faster.
Also, if your liquid gets sticky, sludgy, or foul, this indicates that oxygen has killed the healthy bacteria while introducing the harmful bacteria; you should start over with new water.

I've never started the Lacto-fermentation process with a starting culture, and you don't have to either.

Lactobacilli are already present in the air and on grain surfaces, and given the correct conditions, they will reproduce quickly.

By day 4, your feed should be fermented at most.

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