October 16, 2015 Foreign 6 Views
lockerbieRelatives of some of those killed in the 1988 Lockerbie bombing have cautiously welcomed the naming of two new suspects.
On Thursday, Scottish and US investigators identified two Libyans believed to have been involved in the bombing and they have...

October 16, 2015 Foreign 6 Views
lockerbieRelatives of some of those killed in the 1988 Lockerbie bombing have cautiously welcomed the naming of two new suspects.
On Thursday, Scottish and US investigators identified two Libyans believed to have been involved in the bombing and they have asked Libyan authorities for permission to interview the men.
Abdelbaset al-Megrahi, who died in 2012, is the sole person to have been convicted over the bombing of Pan AM Flight 103 in 1988 which left 270 dead.
Both of the newly identified suspects are currently serving prison sentences in Libya, which is in chaos, as rival factions fight for control of the country.
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